Calvary Chapel Aiken has a number of ministries that God has lead us to develop in response to the vision, mission, and core values He gave us. Many of these ministries are listed below. We are sensitive to God’s leading and are always ready to stop and start ministries consistent with the doors He is opening and closing.

Calvary Chapel Aiken has a number of ministries that God has lead us to develop in response to the vision, mission, and core values He gave us. Many of these ministries are listed below. We are sensitive to God’s leading and are always ready to stop and start ministries consistent with the doors He is opening and closing.

Calvary Chapel Aiken has a number of ministries that God has lead us to develop in response to the vision, mission, and core values He gave us. Many of these ministries are listed below. We are sensitive to God’s leading and are always ready to stop and start ministries consistent with the doors He is opening and closing.

Our ministries all focus on teaching the word of God and making disciples as we live out the abundant life God promises for His children. In addition to men’s, women’s, youth, children’s, and our outreach (both locally and globally) ministries, we also support a variety of local ministries including Christ Central, Stand-at-the-Crossroads, Life Choice’s Pregnancy Care Center, and many others.

Our ministries all focus on teaching the word of God and making disciples as we live out the abundant life God promises for His children. In addition to men’s, women’s, youth, children’s, and our outreach (both locally and globally) ministries, we also support a variety of local ministries including Christ Central, Stand-at-the-Crossroads, Life Choice’s Pregnancy Care Center, and many others.

Our ministries all focus on teaching the word of God and making disciples as we live out the abundant life God promises for His children. In addition to men’s, women’s, youth, children’s, and our outreach (both locally and globally) ministries, we also support a variety of local ministries including Christ Central, Stand-at-the-Crossroads, Life Choice’s Pregnancy Care Center, and many others.

As you look over the ministries, please let us know if you have questions or would like to serve by filling out our “Interested in Serving” form below. We will make sure the right person gets in touch with you.

As you look over the ministries, please let us know if you have questions or would like to serve by filling out our “Interested in Serving” form below. We will make sure the right person gets in touch with you.

As you look over the ministries, please let us know if you have questions or would like to serve by filling out our “Interested in Serving” form below. We will make sure the right person gets in touch with you.

If you have an interest in learning about or serving in one of these ministries, please let us know by clicking on the button to the right. Thank you for your faithfulness and obedience.

If you have an interest in learning about or serving in one of these ministries, please let us know by clicking on the button to the right. Thank you for your faithfulness and obedience.

If you have an interest in learning about or serving in one of these ministries, please let us know by clicking on the button to the right. Thank you for your faithfulness and obedience.

Highlighted Ministries

Children’s Ministry

Psalm 127:3-5 describes a profound truth – children are a heritage given by the Lord. The Lord goes on, in Deuteronomy 6:4-9, to describe our responsibility to raise our children to know and love Him. It is these and many other passages speaking of Jesus’ heart for children that fuels our passion to come alongside parents and families in helping equip this next generation of His disciples.

Beginning with a secure and fun environment, we share the love of Christ with the kids as we teach them lessons from the whole of Scripture, Old and New Testament alike. We also provide materials and opportunities for parents and families to build upon the lessons taught in practical and sustainable ways.

If you have questions, please give us a shout at the church office (803)761-0004 or email our children’s ministry leader at

Men's Ministry

A Godly man rejects passivity, accepts responsibility, leads courageously, loves sacrificially, and lives expecting God’s greater reward.*

In direct contrast to this high calling of being Godly men, the world, the enemy, and even our own flesh often put men down, encourage apathy, emphasize selfishness, and otherwise look to create division and separation from God and other like-minded men. Whether addressing headship, lust, fear, anger, pornography, being islands separated from important relationships, or a myriad of other challenges, our heart here at Calvary Chapel of Aiken is to equip, pray, and walk with men through all life circumstances in the victory Christ secured for us at the cross of Calvary.

Whether our  men’s gatherings, service projects, ministry support, or other opportunities, the men of Calvary Chapel Aiken welcome you to join our band of brothers as we seek to grow as men of God. We have numerous gatherings, ministry involvement, and some great events, and trips.

Worship Ministry

“Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His Name; worship the Lord in the splendor of His holiness.”
Psalm 29:2

Our God is worthy of praise! The Worship Ministries at Calvary Chapel Aiken consists of people who love to magnify our Lord and lead others in magnifying Him through songs, prayers, events, and other expressions of faith. We seek to convey the majesty and glory of God to our church and our community by celebrating His character, describing His attributes, telling of His wondrous works, marveling at His creation, and rejoicing in His plan of redemption. In everything we do, we seek to lift the Name of Jesus.

Our praise team, sound team, and overhead team lead worship in each Sunday morning and Wednesday evening service (along with special events).

Youth Ministry

In a sense, today’s youth are in the midst of a perfect storm with many forces (e.g., social justice, same-sex relationships, gender confusion, racism, rapidly changing cultural norms, and much more) leading youth to question culture, their faith, and God Himself. In navigating these forces, today’s youth want to engage with authentic Godly men and women that can help them examine and walk through the many competing claims in answering life’s most important questions.

We teach the entirety of the word of God, build deep discipleship relationships with tons of fun God-centered activities (with campfires, water carnivals, dodgeball, hiking trips, amusement parks, youth conferences, missions trips, etc.), and by serving those in need in our community.
If you have questions, please give us a shout at the church office (803)973-0455 or email our Youth Leadership team (both high school and middle school) at

Women's Ministry

Whether married or single, the Lord has given women a high calling. In particular, a godly woman loves Jesus, walks in Truth, serves others, and disciples other women.

At Calvary Chapel of Aiken (CCA) we believe that a godly woman loves Jesus with a fervent expectation, walks in truth with a surrendered heart, serves others with love, and disciples other women with joy.

Hebrews 10:24 states, “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works.”  It is our goal to foster growth through Bible studies, friendships through fellowship, and unbounding love through service – together.   The women of CCA seek to invest in the lives of other women in practical and spiritual ways.  We want to help women grow in their relationship with God and help meet the physical and emotional needs of women in all stages of life.  We believe having sisters in Christ is vital in the walk of a woman.

Hospitality Ministry

We have so much going on in our Hospitality Ministry, it’s hard to keep track. Breakfasts, pot lucks, conference support, and coffee is hospitality. Greeters, kitchen, and welcome bags are also hospitality. We have many people in and out of this ministry that love going the extra mile in creating a warm, welcoming environment.

Connect Ministry

We recognize that getting connected in church is an important part of our walk with the Lord. We also know that getting connected can often seem daunting. So, we have a team of people that removes all the speed bumps and work with each person to find their place serving in the body of Christ.

Outreach Ministry

We are excited that God has shown us the way to have successful outreaches in our community. Our emphasis is talking with people about their hurts and hopes along with asking if we can pray with them. There are times this leads to deeper conversations while other times people are just grateful that we genuinely care about and value them. Specific outreaches include prayer booths, neighborhood visits, free Christmas gift wrapping, fireworks, free movies, nursing homes, and our annual Christmas in July event.

Global Missions

Calvary Chapel Aiken is deeply committed to obeying God’s commission to “go into all the world and preach the gospel.” This is done by (a) our own local efforts, (b) being the hands-and-feet of para church ministries here in the Aiken, SC area, (c) assisting native believers who are working in their own countries and (d) sending missionaries to the foreign field for short and long term ministry. We encourage, fund, and provide opportunity for our church family to be obedient to share the gospel in this and other countries. We look forward to the day when God we use us to plant churches here in the CSRA or wherever He would have us do so.

As long as there is one person who has not heard the Gospel, we will continue to proclaim Jesus Christ and Him crucified TILL THE WHOLE WORLD HEARS!

Kengo Christian Martial Arts

Calvary Chapel Aiken hosts Kengo Christian Martial Arts as an ongoing class for the purpose of practicing Christian discipleship blended with physical discipline. Kengo is solely and explicitly Christian with no other form of religious traditions, rituals, or practices being tolerated. For more information about Kengo CMA, click the link below.

Dancing Grannies Ministry

The Dancing Grannies are an outreach group led by Teresa Arthur. They bring the joy of Jesus to our community in Aiken. Learn more about them by following the link below.

Highlighted Ministries

Children’s Ministry

Psalm 127:3-5 describes a profound truth – children are a heritage given by the Lord. The Lord goes on, in Deuteronomy 6:4-9, to describe our responsibility to raise our children to know and love Him. It is these and many other passages speaking of Jesus’ heart for children that fuels our passion to come alongside parents and families in helping equip this next generation of His disciples.

Beginning with a secure and fun environment, we share the love of Christ with the kids as we teach them lessons from the whole of Scripture, Old and New Testament alike. We also provide materials and opportunities for parents and families to build upon the lessons taught in practical and sustainable ways.

If you have questions, please give us a shout at the church office (803)761-0004 or email our children’s ministry leader at

Men's Ministry

A Godly man rejects passivity, accepts responsibility, leads courageously, loves sacrificially, and lives expecting God’s greater reward.*

In direct contrast to this high calling of being Godly men, the world, the enemy, and even our own flesh often put men down, encourage apathy, emphasize selfishness, and otherwise look to create division and separation from God and other like-minded men.  Calvary Chapel of Aiken is to equip, pray, and walk with men through all life circumstances in the victory Christ secured for us at the cross of Calvary.

Whether our  men’s gatherings, service projects, ministry support, or other opportunities, the men of Calvary Chapel Aiken welcome you to join our band of brothers as we seek to grow as men of God. We have numerous gatherings, ministry involvement, and some great events, and trips.

Worship Ministry

“Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His Name; worship the Lord in the splendor of His holiness.”
Psalm 29:2

Our God is worthy of praise! The Worship Ministries at Calvary Chapel Aiken consists of people who love to magnify our Lord and lead others in magnifying Him through songs, prayers, events, and other expressions of faith. We seek to convey the majesty and glory of God to our church and our community by celebrating His character, describing His attributes, telling of His wondrous works, marveling at His creation, and rejoicing in His plan of redemption. In everything we do, we seek to lift the Name of Jesus.

Our praise team, sound team, and overhead team lead worship in each Sunday morning and Wednesday evening service (along with special events).

Youth Ministry

In a sense, today’s youth are in the midst of a perfect storm with many forces (e.g., social justice, same-sex relationships, gender confusion, racism, rapidly changing cultural norms, and much more) leading youth to question culture, their faith, and God Himself. In navigating these forces, today’s youth want to engage with authentic Godly men and women that can help them examine and walk through the many competing claims in answering life’s most important questions.

We teach the entirety of the word of God, build deep discipleship relationships with tons of fun God-centered activities (with campfires, water carnivals, dodgeball, hiking trips, amusement parks, youth conferences, missions trips, etc.), and by serving those in need in our community.
If you have questions, please give us a shout at the church office (803)973-0455 or email our Youth Leadership team (both high school and middle school) at

Women's Ministry

Whether married or single, the Lord has given women a high calling. In particular, a godly woman loves Jesus, walks in Truth, serves others, and disciples other women.

At Calvary Chapel of Aiken (CCA) we believe that a godly woman loves Jesus with a fervent expectation, walks in truth with a surrendered heart, serves others with love, and disciples other women with joy.

Hebrews 10:24 states, “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works.”  It is our goal to foster growth through Bible studies, friendships through fellowship, and unbounding love through service – together.   The women of CCA seek to invest in the lives of other women in practical and spiritual ways.  We want to help women grow in their relationship with God and help meet the physical and emotional needs of women in all stages of life.  We believe having sisters in Christ is vital in the walk of a woman.

Hospitality Ministry

We have so much going on in our Hospitality Ministry, it’s hard to keep track. Breakfasts, pot lucks, conference support, and coffee is hospitality. Greeters, kitchen, and welcome bags are also hospitality. We have many people in and out of this ministry that love going the extra mile in creating a warm, welcoming environment.

Connect Ministry

We recognize that getting connected in church is an important part of our walk with the Lord. We also know that getting connected can often seem daunting. So, we have a team of people that removes all the speed bumps and work with each person to find their place serving in the body of Christ.

Outreach Ministry

We are excited that God has shown us the way to have successful outreaches in our community. Our emphasis is talking with people about their hurts and hopes along with asking if we can pray with them. There are times this leads to deeper conversations while other times people are just grateful that we genuinely care about and value them. Specific outreaches include prayer booths, neighborhood visits, free Christmas gift wrapping, fireworks, free movies, nursing homes, and our annual Christmas in July event.

Global Missions

Calvary Chapel Aiken is deeply committed to obeying God’s commission to “go into all the world and preach the gospel.” This is done by (a) our own local efforts, (b) being the hands-and-feet of para church ministries here in the Aiken, SC area, (c) assisting native believers who are working in their own countries and (d) sending missionaries to the foreign field for short and long term ministry. We encourage, fund, and provide opportunity for our church family to be obedient to share the gospel in this and other countries. We look forward to the day when God we use us to plant churches here in the CSRA or wherever He would have us do so.

As long as there is one person who has not heard the Gospel, we will continue to proclaim Jesus Christ and Him crucified TILL THE WHOLE WORLD HEARS!

Kengo Christian Martial Arts

Calvary Chapel Aiken hosts Kengo Christian Martial Arts as an ongoing class for the purpose of practicing Christian discipleship blended with physical discipline. Kengo is solely and explicitly Christian with no other form of religious traditions, rituals, or practices being tolerated. For more information about Kengo CMA, click the link below.

Dancing Grannies Ministry

The Dancing Grannies are an outreach group led by Teresa Arthur. They bring the joy of Jesus to our community in Aiken. Learn more about them by following the link below.