Calvary Chapel Aiken is happy to host KENGO CHRISTIAN MARTIAL ARTS as an ongoing class taught by Ed Brizzolara. This class is held every Friday in the Fellowship Hall of the church (unless otherwise noted). 

Anyone ages 7 and up is invited to register for the class to learn martial arts and Christian discipline.

This class has a registration fee of $100, then ongoing class dues of $100 per month. Potential students are invited to attend one (1) Friday evening class for free before deciding to register for Kengo CMA. If you are ready to register, you may bring $100 cash or check made out to Calvary Chapel Aiken to class. Or you may register online using the link below.

Note - if registering online, there will be a $5 card fee applied 

For any questions about payments, family plans, how to register, etc, contact Sean Slaney via text or phone at (919) 622-6722

For any questions related to the class,
call Ed Brizzolara at (941) 204-8856

Kengo Christian Martial Arts is solely Christian based and is not in any way affiliated with any other religion or spiritual practice. This class will be explicitly Christian. No other religious traditions, rituals, or practices will be tolerated.